Snort is the foremost Open Source IPS (Intrusion Prevention System) in the world. It uses a series of rules that […]
pfSense with OpenVPN Client
Follow the post OpenVPN Server [Link] and create a user for the pfSense as a client of the VPN. ADD […]
High Availability Sync in pfSense
High Availability Sync is the feature that pfSense uses to synchronize configuration from a Master to a Slave, transferring configuration […]
Load Balancing and Failover on pfSense
For the load balancing and/or failover is necessary a minimum of 3 interfaces, one for LAN and two for WAN. […]
High Availability with CARP and VRRP
CARP (Common Address Redundancy Protocol) is an alternative protocol to VRRP (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol), and the Cisco proprietary HSRP […]