MicroK8s is the Canonical single-package fully conformant lightweight Kubernetes [Link]. It means, it is a 100% compatible Kubernetes orchestrator that can be deployed with a “single-click” on Ubuntu and many other distributions via Snap.

When compared with MiniKube [Link] and K3s [Link], MicroK8s is a minimal production Kubernetes that offers with the minimal effort for operating (low-ops).

Kubernetes is a beast created by Google to meet Google needs of scalability, that is why it is a common knowledge that Kubernetes is Hard to deploy and manage. This makes many companies opt for managed services such as EKS (from AWS), GKE (from GCP), or AKS (from Azure). And that comes with an associated price tag.

Most of the use cases for orchestrating clusters of containers are very simple and MicroK8s suits these requirements by far.


sudo snap install microk8s --classic

That is it! Even kubectl is included in the package.

To use MicroK8s without sudo,add your username to the microk8s group.

sudo usermod -a -G microk8s userName

Stopping and starting the  MicroK8s Deamon.



sudo microk8s kubectl get nodes
sudo microk8s kubectl get services

To avoid repetition, here is another post that show cases standard Kubernetes commands and use cases [Link].


Enabling popular Addons.

sudo microk8s enable dashboard
sudo microk8s enable registry
sudo microk8s enable ingress
sudo microk8s enable dns
sudo microk8s enable gpu
sudo microk8s enable ha-cluster
sudo microk8s enable cert-manager
sudo microk8s enable prometheus
sudo microk8s enable community
sudo microk8s enable istio


sudo microk8s enable dashboard
sudo microk8s kubectl create token default

sudo microk8s kubectl port-forward -n kube-system service/kubernetes-dashboard 10443:443

Navigate to and paste generated token:

Note: this dashboard is not specific from MicroK8s. Instead, it is a Kubernetes module and is not in the scope of this post to walk-through the Dashboard. Check our the Dashboard Walk-through post at [Link].


Minikube on Ubuntu 22.04 [Link].

K3s on Ubuntu 22.04 [Link].

K8s Persistent Volumes [Link].

K8s Cheat Sheet [Link].

K8s Dashboard [Link].