Knowing how to write RegEx is crucial for creating or customizing modules or rules for Fail2Ban, Snort, etc.
RegEx basically searches the text comparing with a syntax that matches.
A great online tool for testing is the expressions in realtime is RegExr [Link].
- /abc/
- searches for abc in the text and stop when finding it.
- /abc/g
- searches for abc in the text, and /g will keep searching for through the text for more matches.
- /abc/gi
- informs the search that it is case insensitive.
- /a+/g
- searches for one or more consecutive a.
- /ab?/g
- searches for a and optionally b. Anything before ? is optional.
- /ab*/g
- * means optionally any number of the b’s. From zero to many b‘s after a.
- /.b/g
- . is a wildcard and will search for any character plus b. It does not match with the period itself.
- /\./g
- searches for the period itself. Same for ()[]{} etc, just use \(\)\[\]\{\} before to do not interpret but use the character itself.
- /\.$/g
- searches for the period at the end of the text.
- /\.$/gm
- searches for the period at the end of each line.
- /^abc/g
- searches for abc at the beginning of the text.
- /^abc/gm
- searches for abc at the beginning of each line in a multiline text.
- /\w/g
- matches with any word.
- /\W/g
- matches with anything that is not a word.
- /\s/g
- matches with any white space.
- /\S/g
- matches with anything that is not white space.
- /\w{5}/g
- matches with any 5 characters.
- /\w{5,}/g
- matches with any 5 characters or more.
- /\w{5,8}/g
- matches with any 5 to 8 characters.
- /\d/g
- \d means digits (numbers).
- /[aáàãăâ]bc/g
- matches with any of the list of characters plus bc.
- /[a-zA-Z0-9]/g
- list characters using ranges.
- /[^0-9]/g
- searches for characters NOT in the list.
- /(abc|xyz)/g
- group of possible characters with the operator | that means or.
- /(x|y|z){2,3}/g
- requires two or three consecutive (length) characters of the group to match.
- /(?<=acb)./g
- the positive look behind searches for anything that is preceded by abc, but not select the abc itself.
- /(?<!acb)./g
- the negative look behind searches for anything that is NOT preceded by abc.
- /.(?=acb)/g
- the positive look ahead searches for anything that is succeeded by abc.
- /.(?!acb)/g
- the negative look ahead searches for anything that is NOT succeeded by abc.
- /(?<name1>abc)(?<name2>xyz)(?:mnt)/
- gives names for each piece of the match, abc will be name1, xyz will be name2, and nmt will not be named. The future usage can be $name2$name1 to invert the order of the groups in a find and replace.
- /(\+?[1-9]{1,3}[ -]?)?\(?\d{3}\)?[ -]?\d{3}[ -]?\d{4}/
- will validate any telephone number like the following:
- 1234567890
123 456 7890
(123) 456 7890
1 (123) 456 7890
+55 1234567890
- 1234567890
- will validate any telephone number like the following:
- /[a-z0-9-._%+]{1,50}@[a-z0-9-._]{1,50}\.[a-z]{2,}/
- validates e-mails like the following.
Excellent deep dive into Regular Expression [Link].