Creating a key-pair:

gpg --gen-key


gpg --full-generate-key

Backing up the secret/private key:

gpg --list-secret-keys
gpg --export-secret-keys -a '[email protected]' > priv.asc

List the keys present in the system, export from the machine that contains the key, and import in the machine that will use the key to encrypt the files:

gpg --list-keys
gpg --export -a '[email protected]' > pub.asc
gpg --import pub.asc

NOTE: the argument -a defines the output type to asc, if not provided the key will have a binary format.

Replace the email with the correct recipient email associated with the key.

List the keys to confirm it was imported correctly and edit the key:

gpg --list-keys
gpg --edit-key 9DC8C540E9FF1344

Replace the ‘9DC8C540E9FF1344‘ with the identification you find.

It is important to trust the key so if you use a script to automate encrypt backup files, for example, it will not prompt confirmation question:

gpg> trust
gpg> quit

Answer 5 and confirm.

Then you are able to encrypt files using the imported and trusted key:

gpg -a -r "[email protected]" --yes --encrypt FILE.TXT


cat FILE.TXT | gpg -r "[email protected]" --yes --encrypt - > FILE.TXT.GPG

Later the file can be decrypted using the following command:

gpg --decrypt FILE.TXT.asc > FILE.TXT

See also this tool for encrypting and decrypting files using GnuPG using Nautilus File Browser:

sudo apt install seahorse-nautilus