Ansible is a tool for automating provisioning, configuration, and deployment in multiple hosts via SSH.
Installing Ansible on Ubuntu 20.04
sudo apt update -y sudo apt install ansible -y
Installing Ansible on CentOS 8
yum update -y yum install epel-release -y yum install ansible -y
Add the hosts at the end of the file /etc/ansible/hosts:
[servers] [servers:vars] ansible_user=root
Create and transfer the root’s SSH Key:
ansible all --list-hosts ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "[email protected]" ssh-copy-id ssh-copy-id ssh-copy-id ssh-copy-id
Using ansible for simple commands:
ansible-inventory --list -y ansible servers -m ping ansible servers -a "apt update" ansible servers -a "apt upgrade -y" ansible all -m ping -u root
Check the list of all modules on Ansible online documentation [Link].
nano playbook1.yaml
A PlayBook is composed of one or more Plays, and each Play contains one or more tasks.
Use the template and customize as necessary:
--- - name: PLAYBOOK ONE hosts: servers remote_user: root become: true pre_tasks: - name: APT UPDATE apt: update_cache: yes when: ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu" tasks: - name: INSTALL LOCATE apt: name: locate state: latest - name: COPY FILE tags: webserver,apache copy: src: /data/site.html dest: /var/www/html/index.html owner: root group: root mode: 0644 - name: START SERVICE service: name: cron state: started - name: REMOVE LOCATE apt: name: locate state: absent when: ansible_distribution in ["Debian","Ubuntu"] - name: INSTALL UNZIP package: name: unzip - name: DOWNLOAD AND EXTRACT A ZIP src: dest: /root remote_src: yes mode: 0755 owner: root group: root - name: START SERVICE service: name: httpd state: started enabled: yes - name: CHANGE VARIABLE DATA IN FILE lineinfile: path: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf regexp: '^server_name' line: server_name; register: webserver_admin_email - name: RESTART IF CONFIG CHANGED ABOVE service: name: nginx state: restarted when: webserver_admin_email.changed - name: PLAYBOOK TWO - USERS MANAGEMENT hosts: all become: true tasks: - name: CREATE USER user: name: username groups: groupname - name: ADD SSH KEY user: name: username key: "copy and paste the key here"
Check first, then run the PlayBook:
ansible-playbook playbook1.yaml --check ansible-playbook playbook1.yaml
The check mode (dry-run!) can be forced on a play by using the following option:
check_mode: yes OR check_mode: no
More useful command:
ansible all -m gather_facts ansible all -m gather_facts --limit ansible all -m apt -a update_cache=true --become --ask-become-pass ansible all -m apt -a name=locate --become --ask-become-pass ansible all -m apt -a "name=locate state=latest" --become --ask-become-pass ansible all -m apt -a upgrade=dist --become --ask-become-pass
The PlayBook can be broken into pieces or sections called roles to make the file easier to manage.
- name: ROLES THAT APPLY TO SERVERS hosts: servers become: true roles: - base_role - server_role - name: ROLES THAT APPLY TO WORKSTATIONS hosts: workstations become: true roles: - base_role - workstation_role
path: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
regexp: '^server_name'
line: server_name;
notify: restart_nginx
File structure for Roles with Tasks and Handlers:
roles/ base_role/ tasks/main.yml handlers/main.yml server_role/ tasks/main.yml handlers/main.yml workstation_role/ tasks/main.yml handlers/main.yml
Using callback plugins to identify tasks that might be slowing down the playbook:
At ansible.cfg add the following line:
inventory = ./hosts
callbacks_enabled = timer, profile_tasks, profile_roles
The default parallelism (forks) number defines how many tasks are executed at the same time.
At ansible.cfg add the following line with the desired number:
[defaults] inventory = ./hosts forks=25
Or dynamically at the playbook execution:
ansible-playbook playbookName.yaml --forks 25
Optimize the SSH connections by reusing the established connections for a defined period:
[ssh_connection] ssh_args = -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=30s
In a controlled and dynamic environment, the host SSH key check can be disabled to increase performance by:
[defaults] host_key_checking = False
To make the tasks run freely the servers (without waiting for all to finish each task before moving to the next):
--- - name: PLAYBOOK hosts: all strategy: free
Instead of push configuration to many servers from a manager host, Ansible makes it possible to pull a configuration file from a git repository and execute locally:
ansible-pull -U
Ansible does not offer a graphical interface but using it combined with Ansible Semaphore the user experience can be strongly improved [Link].